Before taking off for your trip to Victoria Falls, make sure all your documentation is in order so that you can be granted access to either Zimbabwe or Livingstone in Zambia.
Below we'd like to give you an easy checklist you can reference to make sure you meet all the entry requirements.
Also, remember to bring along a form of entertainment, such as a good book or digital content downloaded onto a device, to keep you entertained during your flight.
Passport requirements when flying to Vic Falls
- A passport that is valid for at least 6 months from your date of entry. Non-South African citizens might also require a visa.
- Infants and children under 18 require a passport and an unabridged birth certificate for travel. Additionally, a letter of consent (Affidavit) is required when an infant or child under 18 travels with one (1) parent.
- Return ticket to your country.
- Sufficient funds to cover your stay.
- Enough blank pages in your passport to fit the required entry visa.
- Victoria Falls is not considered a yellow fever risk, so vaccinations are not necessary or required.
If a child under 18 years is not travelling with both parents, the following will also be required:
If travelling with one parent:
- Parental Consent Letter - download an example:
- Copy of the passport/ID of the absent parent
- Contact details of the absent parent
- Where applicable, a copy of the death certificate of the deceased parent or a copy of a court order granting full parental responsibilities or legal guardianship in respect of the child.
If travelling with a person who is not his/her biological parent:
- Parental Consent Letter/s - download an example:
- Copy of the passport/ID of the parent/s or legal guardian/s
- Contact details of the parent/s or legal guardian/s
- Where applicable:
- a copy of the death certificate of the deceased parent/s
- a copy of an adoption order
- a copy of a court order granting full parental responsibilities or legal guardianship in respect of the child.
In the case of school tours, the parental consent letter may be replaced with a letter from the school principal confirming that all consent letters are held by the school - an example available at Upon producing this letter, immigration officers at ports of entry and South African missions abroad would not require any additional documents from individual scholars, such as parental consent, birth certificates, death certificates, court orders or copies of the passports or identity documents of the parents and the person receiving the child in SA. This special dispensation applies to all schools registered with the Department of Basic Education in South Africa and its equivalent abroad in respect of South African and visa-required children.