FlySafair has partnered with First Car Rental to bring you excellent rates on your car rental.
If you reserve your rental car while booking your filght you will save 25% off the car rental fee.
Please note that the discount applies to the daily rental fee and excludes any extras such as the mandatory contract fee or the rental of car seats or GPS devices etc.
The price we display on our website is the complete charge that our customers will be liable for. If you were to do a comparison on the First Car Rental site, be sure to factor in these required fees.
Also please note that a comparison between First Car Rental's website and our own is not always a true comparison in that we offer slightly different packages. It's important to look at three things:
1. The included free kilometers (usually 100 with us and 200 with First Car Rental, the more kilometers the higher the daily rental)
2. The responsibility amount (the lower the responsibility, the lower the amount of money held on your credit card when renting and the higher the daily rental)
3. The cost per km after the free quota is exceeded (the lower the cost per extra kilometer, the higher the daily rental)
Here's a little more detail on how that might look in a practical example:
A search on our website for 5 days rental on a basic Group A car will return a total rental cost of R785* and a savings of R236* as below:
This fee is made up as follows
- R70* Mandatory Contract Fee (included in quote above)
- 5 x R143* daily rental
- TOTAL: R785*
IMPORTANT: Please note that the comparison which follows is for the same package available on our website from First Car Rental Directly. This particular package is not always available on their public website - be sure to check those factors including the responsibility, the free milage and the rand per extra kilometers.
A similar search directly from First Car Rental's website will return a result where the charge is R950.00*
This fee excludes the Mandatory Contract Fee which would still be added at the end of the booking process when you continue onto the next steps:
In this way the total that you would pay would be
- R70* Mandatory Contract Fee (not Quoted)
- 5 X R190* daily rental
- TOTAL: R1020*
As you can see the difference between 1 and 2 is R235, which is the saving communicated on the website.
*All prices quoted in this example were correct at the time of compiling this article.